Born March 8, 1721, Elizabeth Chudleigh was raised in a military family with ties to the monarchy. Charming her way into court as a “maid of honour” to Princess Augusta, wife of the Prince of Wales, Elizabeth immediately caused a sensation with her lustrous beauty and “blue eyes like stars” and received the kind of column-grabbing adulation that a selfie-taking socialite would court today.
Notorious for her topless masquerade costumes, fainting in public and melodramatic antics, Elizabeth would commit perjury by beginning an improper liaison with Evelyn Pierrepont, 2nd Duke of Kingston while she was still married to her husband, Augustus John Hervey, whom she had married in secret to maintain her place and social standing as a maid of honour to the Princess of Wales.
The 2nd Duke of Kingston was a prominent figure in the fashionable society of his day, famed also as an early excavator of The Roman Baths. As a young man, the Duke was reputed to be “the handsomest man in England” and was one of the most sought peers on the marriage market. So, it would come as a shock to the Georgian elite when he abruptly took up with Elizabeth, who was separated but still legally married to her husband, the marriage of which she had torn out of the church register after bribing a clerk to say nothing of the recording of the marriage and its existence.